Contact and office hours in Chemnitz

We're responsible for:

  • the promotion of students at the Chemnitz University of Technology
  • the promotion of students, trainees or pupils who are planning an education in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Czech Republic, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Hungary, Uzbekistan or Belarus


Postal address

Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Abteilung Studienfinanzierung
PF 1032
09010 Chemnitz

Visitor address

Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau
Thüringer Weg 3
09126 Chemnitz

Notes on accessibility and processing time

Documents can be submitted at any time by mail or e-mail (Contact Chemnitz & Contact Zwickau). To submit electronic documents, please make sure to follow the instructions for submitting electronic documents. Of course, you can also drop the documents in the house mailbox on site. For applications and uploading documents, it is best to use the application platform:

The timely processing of BAföG applications is our highest priority at the moment. Due to the increased volume of applications, we ask for your understanding that it is unfortunately not possible to answer individual status inquiries or to confirm the receipt of written documents.

The processing time of your BAföG application depends on very different factors, such as the current application volume, the completeness of the submitted documents, personnel resources in the current Corona situation and, last but not least, the number of personal inquiries and requests from our applicants.

If you have already submitted your BAföG application, we will inform you in writing in any case if further information or documents are required from you. We will also notify you in writing of the decision on your application.

Due to the current volume of applications, the processing time is 8 to 12 weeks from the completeness of the application. In order to ensure that your application is processed quickly, we therefore ask you to refrain from simply asking about the status of your application. For other questions, please contact us during office hours.

Personal and Phone office hours

Personal office hours:

Tuesday: 13:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 9:00 - 11:00 and 13:00 - 17:00

in exceptional cases, it is possible to make an appointment by telephone outside these hours.

Phone office hours:

Monday: 9:00 - 11:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 9:00 - 11:00 and 13:00 - 17:00


Advisers are assigned by the first letter of your surname.

Letters Surname, Firstname Room Phone Email
Hofmann, Bianca 115 +49 371 56 28-446
A - Atl Bleyl, Katharina 232 +49 371 56 28-222
Atm - Boe Schreiter, Saskia 235 +49 371 56 28-445
Bof - Eb Richter, Steffi 201 +49 371 56 28-448
Ec - Gh Wiesner, Jana 202 +49 371 56 28-209
Gi - Her Mühne, Susann 204 +49 371 56 28-223
Hes - Kat Gründel, Anett 205 +49 371 56 28-443
Kau - Kuq Wulf, Tina 112 +49 371 56 28-431
Kur - Mot Güter, Isabell 114 +49 371 56 28-216
Mou - Pren Hartleib, Simone 116 +49 371 56 28-442
Preo - Scheq Kratz, Anja 117 +49 371 56 28-457
Scher - Schul Wojtek, Monique 120 +49 371 56 28-220
Schum - Sin Werner, Jeannette 121 +49 371 56 28-213
Sio - Ug Frieß, Karin 122 +49 371 56 28-215
Uh - Z Geyer, Katrin 123 +49 371 56 28-454