200 Euro one-time payment

Kategorie: Allgemein , Finanzen

Who can apply for the 200 Euro one-time payment?

All students who were enrolled at a higher education institution in Germany on December 1, 2022 and whose usual place of residence is in Germany.

This also includes doctoral students, dual students, part-time students, students on leave of absence, and students who are completing semesters or internships abroad for a maximum of 2 semesters. Guest students are not eligible to apply.

Specialized students and vocational students in courses leading to a vocational qualification of at least two years' duration may also apply for the one-off payment.

How to apply for the one-time payment?

The application is expected to be available online beginning March 15.

The following is required for the application:

  • a Federal User Account which can already be created now
  • the online ID OR the Elster certificate
  • the access data for the application which will be provided by the individual institution of education

More information are available on the website created for the one-time payment.

Will the one-time payment be taxed?

The one-time payment will not be subject to taxation. It is not to be taken into account in income-related benefits and social security contributions. In addition, it will not be taken into account when determining the costs of child and youth welfare and will not be subject to seizure.