Changed opening hours of the canteens and cafeterias in Chemnitz

Kategorie: Allgemein , Verpflegung , Meldungen

Opening hours of the Mensa & Cafeteria Straße der Nationen

  • open from 05.08. to 04.10.2024 from 10:45 to 13:45 (incl. foodsaver buffet) 
  • Regularly open from 07.10. from 09:00 to 13:45

Opening hours of mensa55:

  • open from 12.08. to 11.10.2024 from 11:00 to 13:45 (incl. foodsaver buffet)

Opening hours of cafete55

  • open from 12.08. to 11.10.2024 from 07:20 to 14:00 (incl. foodsaver buffet)