Changed opening hours of the canteens and cafeterias in Zwickau and Glauchau

Kategorie: Allgemein , Verpflegung , Meldungen

Opening hours of the canteen and cafeteria Scheffelberg

  • closed from 30.07. to 20.09.2024

Opening hours of the canteen and cafeteria Ring:

  • open from 29.07. to 20.09.2024 from 10:00 to 13:45
  • Please note: Food and coffee vending machines (with small snacks, various sandwiches and drinks) are still available for use in the dining room of Mensa Ring from 8:00.

Opening hours of the canteen and cafeteria BA Glauchau

  • closed from 01.07. to 09.08.2024