Literary quintet
The Literary Quintet is finally back! After a longer forced break we are happy to invite all reading enthusiasts again to exchange ideas about special books.
When? Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 7:30 p.m.
Where? For 30 participants by registration at the new University Library and online via Twitch stream at the same time.
ATTENTION! If you want to be present on site, you have to register in advance. The registration confirmation email will serve as your admission ticket. The 3G rule is valid!
Who is reading?
- Angela Malz, Director of the University Library
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Werner, Chair of Operating Systems (TU-Chemnitz)
- Stefanie Brunkow (student of German language and literature)
- Paul Seidel (student of pedagogics)
- Yvonne Strunkheit (student of pedagogics)
The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Bernadette Malinowski, Chair of Modern German and Comparative Literature TU-Chemnitz
Which books will be discussed?
- Juli Zeh: Neujahr
- Angela Krauß: Der Strom
- Michel Houllebecq: Serotonin
- Robert Menasse: Die Hauptstadt
- Keigo Higashino: Kleine Wunder um Mitternacht
As always, organized by the Chair of Modern German and Comparative Literature of the Institute for German Studies and Intercultural Communication, Chemnitz University Library and the Student Council of the Faculty of Humanities.