Regular opening hours in the Zwickau canteens

Kategorie: Verpflegung , Meldungen

From September the 23rd, 2024, the regular opening hours in the Zwickau canteens will apply again.

Mensa Ring
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:45
Lunch offer: 10:45 - 13:30
Foodsaver buffet: 13:30  - 13:45 

Please note: Food and coffee vending machines are still available for use in the dining room of Mensa Ring from 07:20 until the university closes in the evening. The dinig hall can also be used as a study area all day (except during lunch breaks)!

Mensa Scheffelberg
Monday to Friday: 09:00  - 13:45 (Coffee specialities already available from 07:20)
Lunch offer:
Monday to Thursday: 10:30  - 13:30
Friday: from 10:00

We look forward to your visit and wish you a Bon Appétit!