Studying in Saxony must remain affordable!

Kategorie: Allgemein , Meldungen

Studying with high rental costs and cafeteria prices is becoming increasingly difficult. For more and more students in Saxony, this is becoming a reality. We Saxon Student Service Organisations want to offer you good and fair study conditions with affordable canteen meals, affordable places in halls of residence and targeted advisory services.
However, we have been hit hard by a wide range of price increases and it is precisely now that the Free State of Saxony is calling for savings. As a result, we will no longer be able to maintain our services within this framework and will be forced to pass on even more costs to the students.

For this reason, the Conference of Saxon Student Unions (KSS) has launched a petition to obtain an increase in subsidies for the Saxon Student Service Organisations from the Free State of Saxony. Help us and all students and sign the petition for affordable studies in Saxony:

What is being demanded:
1. a needs-based subsidy increase for all Student Service Organisations - No cuts to services!
2. a fair compensation for inflation so that dormitory rents and canteen meals remain stable!
3. a cap on semester fees and a long-term reduction!