We congratulate our trainees on their graduation!

Kategorie: Allgemein , Meldungen

Congratulations to our apprentices!

Our 3rd year commercial apprentices successfully passed their final exams yesterday. Our chef trainee also passed successfully last week.

Together with colleagues from the university catering department, HR and our Managing Director Ms. Schönherr, the apprentices were bid farewell with flowers, warm congratulations and the ceremonial presentation of their certificates.

We wish our graduating apprentices all the best and every success for the future! We are also delighted that one of our trainees is staying on at the Studentenwerk and is now starting a new job in the BAföG office.

Job advertisements for office management assistants and cooks for the year 2025 can be found on the Studentenwerk training page. We look forward to receiving your application by 30.11.2024!