Psychological Counselling Service

Our Psychological Counselling Service offers private and confidential counselling meetings in case of study crises, identity and orientation problems, concentration problems, exam anxiety or work disorders, loneliness and contact problems, partnership and relationship conflicts. A counselling session can provide relief and distance from a difficult situation, and give you space to explore new options.

We currently offer psychological counselling in the following forms:



Counselling walks

Movement enhances creativity. If you take or have taken a walk in the fresh air, it becomes easier to think outside of your own routines. This means it becomes easier to intuitively evaluate experiences or facts, and draw conclusions from them. Not every intermediate result has to be perceived as correct or final. Mental leaps or changes of perspective are more easily allowed when walking, which helps us to recognize even unfeasible solutions as a step towards a better understanding of the problem. And above all, the situation and framework conditions are perceived as changeable. An open future becomes visible. How nice would it be to live like that? This question underlies the concept of our counselling walks. In the open air and in motion, we discuss life situations, problem constellations, concerns or desires for change.

Since the summer months of 2020, individual appointments within our Psychological Counseling Service in Chemnitz can be plannedd as walks. Feel free to make an appointment via

Councellors Chapter

Via (for TUC) or (for WHZ) you can arrange a phone counselling appointment to talk about your issue, thoughts, emotions - in short, your situation. As a follow-up, professionally selected information, book chapters, worksheets or links will be compiled to support you in continuing to deal with your issues independently and in your search for solutions.

The offer is intended to provide help for self-help with regard to a wide range of topics, e.g. life crises and living with the corona situation, exam and other anxieties, emotional instability, loneliness, self-worth, interpersonal issues, future planning, identity development, motivation in studies, procrastination, stress and relaxation, resilience, etc. In this way, you deal with yourself and the topics that are significant and important to you in a targeted manner. In addition, especially if you are an international student, this approach should offer you further German or English vocabulary to describe your inner world.

And, of course, we will again be available by phone for advice, on how to follow up on the reading and for a content-related discussion.

Telephone counseling

You cannot or do not want to make use of either of the two forms of counselling mentioned above, but still need psychological counselling? Please feel free to make an appointment via (for TUC) or (for WHZ).


Stay healthy!


Contact person in Chemnitz

Ms Dipl.-Psych. Tina Horlitz
Psychological Counsellor
Thüringer Weg 3
09126 Chemnitz
Room: 23
Phone: +49 371 5628-120

Office hours:
appointments upon arrangement by Email

Contact person in Zwickau

Ms Dipl.-Psych. Tina Horlitz
Äußere Schneeberger Straße 35, 2nd floor
08056 Zwickau

Office hours:
by arrangement