Regular operation
Our daycare is regularly open from 07:00 to 17:30.
Summer party at "Campulino"
At 04.07.2023, the yearly summer party took place in our daycare "Campulino". And at the same time we also celebrated the 5th birthday of our daycare!
There were small gifts, delicious food, great performances by the little ones and an exciting scavenger hunt through the kindergarten area.
We are already looking forward to next year!
Children's day at Kita "Campulino"
Together with our children, we celebrated their special day.
Along with the house project "Building and Constructing," the children were divided into construction teams. One preschooler was the construction supervisor and made sure that all construction jobs were completed.
The building teams mastered 8 different stations. These included: hammering a nail into the wood with the fewest strokes, blindly painting a house, completing an obstacle course and transporting building materials, building a watertight beaver dam, building the tallest tower out of cardboard boxes, solving building puzzles, guessing tools by touch and rebuilding structures.
After the successful work there was an ice cream as a reward to cool down.
Finally, the best construction team was chosen and rewarded with a medal.
Advent afternoon
For the Advent afternoon, the daycare center invited its young and old guests to spend a cozy pre-Christmas afternoon together.
The afternoon was opened by a dedicated parent who brought his colleagues from the symphony orchestra and gave everyone an impressive start with Christmas carols.
In the piazza, there was a self-designed sales booth with small gifts to give away for Christmas. The preschoolers had worked long beforehand to offer an extensive assortment of homemade "almond-chocolate dumplings" and Christmas decorations.
This time, the parents' café was organized by the parents and the educators of the green groups. As a highlight, there were waffles and all kinds of other goodies. There was a lot of contemplation during the singing of Christmas carols and the reading of fairy tales. And in our workshop, parents and their children were able to create their own elves and other Christmas figures.
We would like to thank everyone for this wonderful afternoon together and wish everyone a peaceful and reflective Christmas and a happy New Year.
A visit to the Fraunhofer Institute IWU
On November 28 and 29, the older children of the daycare center made their way to the nearby Fraunhofer Institute to see where and with what some of their moms and dads work every day.
The children and educators were given a tour of the large halls. At the first station, we were able to look at a robotic arm that can lift heavy things. We imagine how the robot arm does its work and imitate the movements. At the second station, we look at our skeletons, among other things, and enjoy the movements we create on the screen. At the last station, we discover how warm our hand is with and without a glove in front of the thermal imaging camera. Finally, there was a small treasure hunt where we received a present: small pink piggy banks from the 3D printer.
It was an exciting experience for the children, who were still talking about it at the dinner table.
We would like to thank the employees of the Fraunhofer Institute for making this experience possible!
The newly designed kindergarten rooms of the Kita Campulino (Ü3)
For a long time we waited, planned and thought about it. Now it was finally time! Since 29.08.2022 our children play in the newly designed rooms in the kindergarten area. Many thanks also once again to the active support of our parents, without which the rearrangement could not have taken place.
The newly designed educational rooms feature a stimulating, clearly structured environment with "deliciously presented" materials. Each room is complemented by thematically adapted books, pictures and changing materials, which are designed to stimulate the children in a variety of ways. The experiences of self-efficacy, self-initiative and the desire to explore through researching, building or designing are the focus of play in the educational rooms. The materials offered and the equipment in the rooms are based on the needs and interests of the children and the observations they make. As a result, each individual room is in a state of constant change. It is of great importance that the children can identify with the rooms: Find art and buildings, photos and personal objects of their own. True to the motto: documenting instead of decorating. The rooms are designed by educators who are experts in the many aspects of the themes in the rooms. This process requires attention from the educators and an urge to discover similar to that of a child. "Children need children and things to play with, but not toys." (A. Wieland) in this sense we try to map out for the children their living world, in which they can construct their own reality.
Stephanie Fischer
Summer party in the kita day care center "Campulino"
On July 01, 2022, we celebrated the 4th birthday of our daycare center together with our children, parents and many guests.
The motto of the celebration was "Oh jee, Oh Schreck, the dirt has to go" and marked the end of our sustainability project. The children had prepared a small program and proudly presented it to the parents and guests.
From the youngest we heard the poem about the garbage truck and the older groups sang songs about plastic and garbage collecting, accompanying themselves on their self-made instruments.
Our parents prepared a colorful buffet. The wide selection of sweet and savory food was the crowd puller of the afternoon.
The pedagogues and interns offered the children different stations to be creative. The children had a choice of an obstacle course, paper making in the nature garden, making a tic-tac-toe game out of recycled materials, and target throwing. In the middle of the garden, our trash monster was created, from all the trash collected over the past few weeks. Each child who had mastered at least three stations received a Pixie book on the topic of sustainability as a reward.
Even though the sun didn't come out that day, at least the rain let up and we were able to spend this afternoon outdoors with all the parents and guests.
We would like to thank all the supporters, helpers and organizers whose commitment helped to create this highlight for our children.
We all remember this afternoon as very harmonious and entertaining.
The team of the Campulino daycare center
Easter preparations
The school beginners of our daycare center have agreed to support the Studentenwerk in its Easter campaign for the students.
30 white eggs were decorated with much joy in the last weeks.
In the process, the preschoolers learned new design techniques, such as marbling, the napkin technique, or rolling in paint in a shoebox.
Now we wish the "big ones" a lot of fun while searching!
Project Light & Shadow of the Green Groups (23.02.22)
In the past 3 weeks, it could be observed that it was often very dark in a room in the green group area and many different lights shone from it. Here, the children tried out different light and shadow experiments and all kinds of light sources on their own every day.
In a small question and answer session on topics such as "What sources of light are there anyway?" or "What would happen if there were no light?" the children were first able to explain their ideas on the topic and share what they would like to try out and explore during the project. This resulted in great ideas, experiments and many exciting activities.
The project was very well received by all the kids and we would also like to thank all the parents who supported us with materials and ideas.
Pre-Christmas at Campulino
Many thanks to our dedicated parents who donated this beautiful Christmas tree to us. With shining eyes, our children admired the tree on Friday and hung their Christmas wishes on the branches.
We wish all parents and children a wonderful pre-Christmas season!
Our 3rd birthday
Today, July 01, we celebrate the 3rd birthday of our nursery.
Not even the rain can take away our joy.
We experience a colorful morning with disco, homemade cake, sack race, giant soap bubbles, three-legged race and obstacle course.
As a reward, there are colorful tattoo stickers for all the children.
We are looking forward to more wonderful and eventful years in our Campulino daycare center!
"The colorful world of creepy-crawlies"
...this is the project theme that the "Green Group" has been working on for the past five weeks. Since April, many children have been searching incessantly in the garden for earthworms and fire bugs. Small homes were also built for ants and beetles and equipped with suitable furniture made of leaves, soil and sticks. The teachers took this as an opportunity to create an exciting project together with the children.
Often they went out to the meadows and paths to collect everything with magnifying glasses and observe what was crawling. In the kindergarten, they then looked at everything together and looked up in books which insects they were dealing with. Of course, all the little animals were then released again and again.
Small games, relaxation stories, handicrafts and an exciting insect book box completed the project content. To conclude the project, some children made small insect hotels out of cans. The children wrapped colorful wool around the cans and then filled them with various natural materials in which small creepy-crawlies feel at home. The insect hotels now decorate our new kitchen garden and we are already super excited to see who will soon move in.
Weather project in the light green group
April April, he doesn't know what he wants..." The Campulino children of the Light Green Group took this very phenomenon as an opportunity to spend three weeks in April dealing with this topic in detail. Many important questions of the children were explored and clarified together. How does rain actually get into the clouds? How many colors does a rainbow have and how do we determine the weather? In addition to a small weather library, many great works of art and products were created through weather experiments, which are still used and observed daily by the children.
Children planted butterfly meadow
Last year (2020), the children of the Campulino daycare center already distributed the seeds for the butterfly meadow. With great joy, the seeds were distributed on a 1000 m² piece of meadow at the residential home Vettersstraße 70 in Chemnitz.
The project was sponsored by the Saxon State Foundation for Nature and the Environment (LaNU), which wants to make a small contribution to the preservation of our beautiful nature with the project "Puppenstuben gesucht - Blühende Wiesen für Sachsens Schmetterlinge" of the initiative "Sachsen blüht".
This year (2021), the children will be able to observe for the first time how the seeds begin to sprout and how various insects will enjoy the diversity of the meadow.
Contact Person
Head of children day-care center
Reichenhainer Straße 33b
09126 Chemnitz
Room: Leiterbüro
Phone: +49 371 56 28-150