30. September Second heating subsidy for BAföG recipients The Federal Cabinet approved a further heating subsidy of 345 euros for BAföG recipients. You can read more about who exactly receives the grant here. Category: Allgemein, Finanzen
Second heating subsidy for BAföG recipients The Federal Cabinet approved a further heating subsidy of 345 euros for BAföG recipients. You can read more about who exactly receives the grant here. Category: Allgemein, Finanzen
27. September New opening hours of our canteen on campus and cafeterias Here you can find the opening hours of our refectories and cafeterias in Chemnitz and Zwickau from the winter semester 22/23.
New opening hours of our canteen on campus and cafeterias Here you can find the opening hours of our refectories and cafeterias in Chemnitz and Zwickau from the winter semester 22/23.
26. September Mensa and cafeteria StraNa open again From 04.10.2022 the canteen and cafeteria in the Straße der Nationen will be open again from Monday to Friday from 07:20 to 13:30. Category: Allgemein, Verpflegung
Mensa and cafeteria StraNa open again From 04.10.2022 the canteen and cafeteria in the Straße der Nationen will be open again from Monday to Friday from 07:20 to 13:30. Category: Allgemein, Verpflegung
06. September 200€ one-time payment for students decided On September 04, the 3rd relief package of the federal government was presented, which includes a one-time payment of 200€ for students. Category: Allgemein, Finanzen
200€ one-time payment for students decided On September 04, the 3rd relief package of the federal government was presented, which includes a one-time payment of 200€ for students. Category: Allgemein, Finanzen
02. September Deposit garbage can campaign paused for now The Unicef deposit garbage can campaign is paused for the time being until enough members of the university group are available again Category: Allgemein
Deposit garbage can campaign paused for now The Unicef deposit garbage can campaign is paused for the time being until enough members of the university group are available again Category: Allgemein